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  • with M. Hoffmann, Regularisation for the approximation of functions by mollified discretisation methods (2024). Pdf file.

  • Random Leja points (2024). Pdf file.

  • with E. Trélat, C. Zhang, Constructive reachability for linear control problems under conic constraints (2024). Pdf file.

  • with I. Hasenohr, Y. Privat, C. Zhang, Computer-assisted proofs of non-reachability for linear finite-dimensional control systems (2024). Pdf file.

  • ​with J. Guilberteau, P. Jain, M.K. Jolly, N. Pouradier Duteil, An integrative phenotype-structured partial differential equation model for the population dynamics of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (2023). Pdf file.

  • with C. Della Valle, Solving Abel integral equations by regularisation in Hilbert scales, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2024) Pdf file.

  • with E. Trélat, C. Zhang, Approximate control of parabolic equations with on-off shape controls by Fenchel duality, Annales de l'Institut Poincaré C - Analyse non linéaire (2024). Pdf file.

  • with J. Guilberteau, N. Pouradier Duteil, Long-time behaviour of an advection-selection equation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B (2024). Pdf file.

  • with O. Verdier, Linear inverse problems with nonnegativity constraints: singularity of optimisers, Inverse Problems and Imaging (2024). Pdf file.

  • with Z. Kaid, J. Clairambault, A phenotype-structured model for the tumour-immune response, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (2023). Pdf file.

  • with T. Evgeniou, M. Fekom, A. Ovchinnikov, R. Porcher, N. Vayatis, Pandemic Lock-down, Isolation, and Exit Policies Based on Machine Learning Predictions, Production and Operations Management (2023), Pdf file.

  • with J. Guilberteau, N. Pouradier Duteil, Monostability and bistability of biological switches, Journal of Mathematical Biology (2021). Pdf file

  • with O. Verdier, Statistical model and ML-EM algorithm for emission tomography with known movement, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (2021). Pdf file.

  • with O. Boulant, M. Fekom, T. Evgeniou, A. Ovchinnikov, R. Porcher, N. Vayatis, SEAIR framework accounting for a personalised risk prediction score: application to the Covid-19 epidemic, Image Processing On Line (2020), Pdf file.

  • with T. Lorenzi, Asymptotic analysis of selection-mutation models in the presence of multiple fitness peaks, Nonlinearity (2020). Pdf file.

  • with O. Verdier, The ML-EM algorithm in continuum: sparse measure solutions, Inverse Problems (2020). Pdf file.

  • with F. Bubba, B. Perthame, M. Schmidtchen, Hele-Shaw limit for a system of two reaction-(cross-)diffusion equations for living tissues, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (2019). Pdf file.

  • with F. Bubba, N. Ferrand, G. Vidal, L. Almeida, B. Perthame, M. Sabbah, A chemotaxis-based explanation of spheroid formation in 3D cultures of breast cancer cells, Journal of Theoretical Biology (2019). Pdf file.

  • with E. Trélat, E. Zuazua, Phase portrait control of 1D monostable and bistable reaction-diffusion equations, Nonlinearity (2019). Pdf file.

  • with A. Olivier, Combination of direct methods and homotopy in numerical optimal control: application to the optimization of chemotherapy in cancer, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (2019). Pdf file.

  • with L. Almeida, F. Bubba, B. Perthame, Energy and implicit discretization of the Fokker-Planck and Keller-Segel type equations, Networks and Heterogeneous Media (2019). Pdf file.

  • with E. Trélat, Global stability with selection in integro-differential Lotka-Volterra systems modelling trait-structured populations, Journal of Biological Dynamics (2018). Pdf file.

  • with J. Clairambault, A. Lorz, E. Trélat, Asymptotic analysis and optimal control of an integro-differential system modelling healthy and cancer cells exposed to chemotherapy, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (2018). Pdf file.

  • with O. Öktem, O. Verdier, Spatiotemporal PET reconstruction using ML-EM with learned diffeomorphic deformation, MLMIR (2019). Pdf file.

  • with J. Clairambault, A survey of adaptive cell population dynamics models of emergence of drug resistance in cancer, and open questions about evolution and cancer, Biomath (2019). Pdf file.

  • On the stability of the state 1 in the non-local Fisher-KPP equation in bounded domains, published in Comptes Rendus Mathematique (2018). Pdf file.

Book chapters
  • with L. Almeida, R. Chisholm, J. Clairambault, T. Lorenzi, A. Lorz, E. Trélat, Why is evolution important in cancer and what mathematics should be used to treat cancer? Focus on drug resistance. Biomat (2017). Pdf file.

PhD thesis
  • Analysis, control and optimisation of PDEs, application to the biology and therapy of cancer, defended on the 29th of June 2018: pdf file (front page in French, content in English).

Popularisation (in French)
  • avec E. Trélat, Combattre les tumeurs résistantes à la chimiothérapie grâce au contrôle optimal. Images des maths (2019), lien.

© 2017 by Camille Pouchol

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